Need to hire an Injury solicitor? The Complete guide to accident and injury solicitors

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Need to hire an Injury solicitor? The Complete guide to accident and injury solicitors

If you’ve suffered an injury, it may entitle you to compensation and an injury solicitor can help ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. 

In this blog post, I will touch on the key areas you should know when you file a personal injury claim and how an injury lawyer can help you reach a successful result. 

First, let’s take a deeper look at why you might need to have an injury solicitor. 

Hire an Injury Solicitor? The complete guide to accident and injury solicitors

Why you might need an Injury Solicitor?

A person can suffer an accident at work, a road traffic accident, medical negligence, and through many other areas and when the unthinkable happens, you should have an injury solicitor in your corner fighting for you at every step of the way.

If you are involved in an accident and this accident has been caused because of someone else’s negligence, there is a very good chance it may entitle you to compensation.

I’ve suffered an injury. What should I do?

Contact an injury law solicitor. 

Once you realize the injury suffered, it is going to be absolutely vital that you hire an injury solicitor that you can trust.

What information will the injury solicitor need?

There are several key pieces of information that an injury solicitor will need to process your claim:

*The details of the accident that has occurred

*Any information or records you have in relation to the accident

*Information in relation to previous claims, accidents, or other medical conditions

*Any relevant documents in relation to expenses or any other charges that may have been caused by the accident

*Other pertinent or relevant documents or information

How do the best personal injury solicitors in Dublin start a claim? 

Injury claims in Ireland are usually started with the Injuries Board. There are some exceptions to this rule. 

The vast majority of claimants in Ireland apply to the Injuries Board with the help of a solicitor. This helps ensure the process runs smoothly and professionally. 

The personal injury solicitors - Dublin will come equipped with lots of experience in dealing with the Injuries Board and will know how to structure everything professionally so that it increases the chances that your case has a successful result. 

Contact Injury solicitors near me

What is the most important document for accident and injury solicitors?

A vital document is the medical report. 

Accident and personal injury solicitors will ask for this document from either your doctor or from the hospital that treated you. This is a key piece of evidence because it will assess the injuries that you sustained and it will help figure out the extent of the compensation that you’re entitled to. 

Do accident and personal injury solicitors have a time limit in which to file claims?

In Ireland, there is a time limit of two years in which you have to file a personal injury claim. The time limit usually begins from the date the accident occurred. There are a few caveats to this rule:

  • Where the person may not have been aware that they were injured until a later date. In these types of cases, the clock ticks from the moment the claimant realized an injury was sustained. 
  • The second caveat is where an injury is suffered by a child. A minor can only make a claim when they turn 18. Alternatively, a parent or guardian can make a claim on behalf of the minor.

How will Injury claim solicitors know when to settle my case? 

Injury claim solicitors will factor several things into the equation when deciding to settle your case or not. First, they will look at what offer of compensation has been put on the table by the Injuries Board. 

Your injury claim solicitor will advise you of the offer that you have received and whether you should accept it. 

An injury claims solicitor will be able to accurately assess whether the settlement put forward is acceptable by judging it compared to previous cases they would have worked on.

Ultimately, it will be up to the claimant to decide whether they will accept the claim.

One word of caution. 

The best injury solicitors in Dublin will know the fact that many insurance companies like settling early because this may reduce the amount of compensation that they will have to pay out. 

A top personal injury solicitor will be alert to these ploys and will help you achieve the settlement that you deserve. 

What happens if I tell my injury solicitor to reject the award? 

If either side rejects the award, the courts will have to decide an outcome. Once your side rejects the case, your Injury Solicitor will start legal proceedings that will move your case onto the next level.

What if my injury solicitor accepts the award?

If both parties accept the award, the Injuries Board will issue an order to the person who is liable for the settlement. When the award is paid, the case will be deemed to be fully settled. 

Once you have settled, you cannot go back and look for more compensation, even if other injuries emerge you weren’t aware of. This one of the many reasons its vital that you have the best accident and injuries solicitors advising you along the way. 

Contact personal injury solicitors Ireland

How much do Solicitors charge for compensation claims?


Many new clients come to us and are frightened about the legal costs if they bring a personal injury claim. We,Personal Injury Solicitors in Dublin,therefore are hoping to alleviate any issues you may have in this article on legal costs.  Firstly, costs need to be looked at at the two stages where your case can be dealt with.  The first is the Injuries Board and the second is if proceedings are issued.


Injuries Board Costs 

As with all personal injuries cases, the Injuries Board is the first step in making a claim. However, the Injuries Board does not allow for a Plaintiff who makes a claim to recover legal costs.  This is seen as a major shortcoming of the Injuries Board system however this is the case until it is reformed.

No win no fee percentage

Therefore it is a cost recovered from you if you accept the Injuries Board determination on the amount of compensation.  We are confident that we are one of the most competitive law firms in the market in terms of this costing and confirm we delay payment until completion of your claim, so it is not an upfront payment required. Furthermore, if we act for you in a personal injuries claim, it is likely we will cover the cost of your medical reports so that there is no out of pocket expenses for you.  


Who pays legal fees in personal injury claim? 

In Ireland, if you are successful in your claim, the other side have to pay your legal expenses in addition to your compensation.  They may not routinely cover all of your costs i.e. witness or expert fees however the majority is covered, if not all, in most cases. Therefore, you will see from the above, that legal costs should not be a concern for you in taking a personal injury claim where you have been legitimately injured.

How long after an injury can you sue in Ireland?

In Ireland under the Civil Liabilites and Courts Act 2004, the time limit from the date of the accident in which you can make a claim is 2 years.  In spite of this 2 year time limit it is prudent and wise to notify the person who you hold responsible for your accident within a couple of months.

What is the average payout for a personal injury claim Ireland? 

Obviously the average payouts for a personal injury claims in Ireland can greatly vary. But there are some rules of thumb. For example, if you have suffered a soft tissue back injury you may be entitled to anything from 14k  right up to 90k.  If you have suffered from a spinal injury you could be entitled to compensation within the range of 32k to 139k.  Soft tissue injuries to the arms and shoulders may yield payouts from 22k to 67k.  Obviously, these are just rough estimates and the only way you can figure out a more exact estimate is by contacting a personal injury solicitor. 

What is the average payout for whiplash in Ireland?

In Ireland the typical award for general damages for whiplash is usually between €10,000 to €20,000. But these figures can greatly vary depending on how long the person who suffered the injury has taken to recover and how long their long term treatment is expected to be.


How much do solicitors charge for personal injury claims Ireland?

It goes without saying that legal costs for personal injury claims in Ireland can greatly differ. For example, for a direct settlement in which compensation is awared at 13k legal costs will come in somewhere around €1,400.  Obviously, these are just general guidelines and legal costs can have an immense difference from case to case.

How long does it take for personal injury claims to settle in Ireland?

A general estimate is that the PIAB can take anywhere from 7 to 9 months to asses a particular case. After they asses the case they then will come back with a compensation recommendation. But to reach the stage where PIAB will asses can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years when you factor in things such as medical tests, treatments, and other associated costs and obligations.

Injury solicitors near me

Personal Injuries Claims  is a specialist injury law firm who have acted in personal injury proceedings throughout Ireland. We have acted for clients in personal injury claims in  Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Cork,  and throughout the rest of Ireland. 

Once you book a consultation with us, we will devise a custom-made strategy to ensure that any personal injury proceedings are completed in as seamless a fashion as possible. Please contact us on (01) 234 0044 or email us at for more information. 

Personal injury solicitors Dublin: Your Ultimate Legal Partner.

In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement. This statement is made in compliance with Reg.8 of SI 518 of 2002.


Personal Injury Claims Solicitors in Dublin, Ireland.

If you would like to discuss making a personal injury claim please contact us to discuss further by calling our phone number: 01 234 0044 .

We will discuss your claim and provide you with advice and an initial opinion regarding your injury, from personal injuries assessment board to issuing proceedings in a case.

We pride ourselves in knowing that our clients are always fully informed and advised of all aspects of their case from the beginning when they first speak to us regarding an injury such as accident at work, hit and run claims, special damages, traumatic experience that goes for long term consequences etc.

Cosgrove Gaynard Solicitors, 39 Waterloo road, Dublin 4.

We also have a number of other practice areas and would be happy to discuss any other work you would like to discuss with a solicitor. Call us now for further details or for initial advice.

Phone: 01 234 0044 Email: / or complete our online assessment form.

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